Exonia Bowls - Club House and Green, 63 Union Road, Exeter, Devon, EX4 6HT Tel: 01392 259819 | E-mail: exoniagensec@gmail.com
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Links & FAQs

Links, Information & Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information? Have a question of your own? click here to contact us

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Whats the membership fee?
A: Please contact the Membership Secretary for the latest Fees - via our Contacts Page.
For Example: 2018/2019 Fees Outdoor £90, Indoor £62, but we do have discounts available for those new to bowling and juniors.
Contact exoniaenquiries@gmail.com for further information.
Q: Do you offer Coaching?
A: Yes, we have both Male & Female qualified coaches

Bowling Links


Bowls Devon Bond Bowls
Bowls England Leroy Funerals
English Indoor BA

Membership Form